Friday, October 10, 2008

Camping with Mom and Pop

After the convention in Gatlinburg was over, we spent Friday night with my parents in their luxurious trailer!! Wow! I call it the "Carlson Luxury Liner." It was cozy and homey -- basically a mini-version of their house. On Saturday we took a trolley and explored the rural areas around Gatlinburg.
As we waited for the trolley at the station, my parents struck up a conversation with an interesting man who was a trolley driver. He grew up in the hills right around this area and shared many memories with us. He even offered to share his lunch with us. So sweet!:)

After our adventures of the day we returned to the trailer and had a delicious cookout. What a lovely, relaxing time we had.

Brian was especially impressed that there was cable TV and he could watch the score from his lounge chair outside the trailer. We returned home late Saturday night in order to be at our church Sunday and to prepare for the week. What a wonderful time we had and how thankful we are for our loving parents.

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