Monday, September 24, 2007

Busy Days!

I just realized that I haven't even looked at my blog for a week! Things have been so busy at school and home. Brian and I both worked all weekend on our workshops for the Tenneessee Association of Christian Schools teacher's convention which is this Thursday and Friday. My parents will be at the Great Lakes Convention in South Bend. Dr. Ice invited us to speak at their convention as well, but, alas, family won out. My brother-in-law is the coordinator for TACS!! Next week we go to Montgomery, Alabama to speak at the Alabama Assoc. of Chr. School convention. These are busy days, but they are fun!! Plus, we are learning soooo much!! Here are our titles:

Brian --
"Using Portfolios in the Classroom"
"The ABCs of Test Construction"
"Enhancing Student Achievement through Group Learning"
"Using Survey Research to Improve Your School"

Kristy --
"Teacher, Tell Me a Story!"
"Grading Essays Made Easy"
"Are Your Students 'Speech-less'?"
"Is Your Classroom Calm or Chaotic?"


sara said...

Oh how I wish I could come to your workshops!!!! They all sound so interesting! I know you will do a GREAT job.

tacky said...

Even though I am not teaching anymore...I would sit in on your sessions anytime, anywhere, for any length of time...just to hear your southern drawl as you share your wit and wisdom! Enjoy teaching the teachers! Love, Kari